Problem Addressed

Comprehensive site research is often under resourced and can result in outdated, slow, and often inaccurate processes.

Solution Overview

PlaceChangers replaces outdated, slow, and often inaccurate processes with modular, easy-to-use town planning software which achieves more liveable spaces for communities and caters to a digital planning system. A powerful yet simple mapping tool that can be used to analyse a site with data from Ordnance Survey and Open Street Maps. Create an initial baseline analysis in seconds by inputting the site boundary, and get powerful analytics based on data sources from Public Health England and Office for National Statistics give you an all around profile of the local area, with a focus on health and wellbeing outcomes.

Key analytics provided:

  • Analyse local residents’ characteristics (socio-demographics & public health)
  • Understand health conditions associated with built environment from nearby GPs
  • Perform walking-distance access analysis to schools GPs, shopping, open spaces
  • Do coverage analysis based on walking distance

Per project pricing is available starting at £200 per site for a comprehensive review of a site and it’s context for key urban design aspects. Other pricing information can be found here.

Case Study

Presently applied on a number of housing projects to support planning statements and health impact scoping. A range of case studies can be found here.

Facts and Figures


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